RT-1 hornet
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BEFINTLIG- RT-1 hornet

RT-1 är ett horn som funnits med i tidningen Radio & Television (RT). Detta horn och ett par till var det som medverkade i startandet av ”hornbyggar-hysterin” på 70-talet. RT-1 är den första i serien av 3st RT-horn och kom i början av 70-talet.

Elementet som används i simuleringarna om inget annan sägs har dessa data:

12 tum
402 cm2
47 hz
60 liter VAS
Bl 11
Re 6 ohm
Massa 23 gram

Schematisk bild av hornet och hur man räknar fram detta ur en befintlig låda. Varje förändring av tvärsnittetets kontinuerliga ökning av arean har mätts. Det framgår av tvärstrecken i schemat.
RT-1 slutar med mynningen nedtill under lådan. Lådan har ben som gör att utrymmet blir ordentligt tilltaget. Det har också placerats en triangelformad struktur undertill. Mynningen och den triangelformade strukturen påstås skapa ett sista hornsegment. För att simuleringen skall bli rätt med tanke på triangeln och utblås under lådan använd 0,5xPi (hörn) fast lådan skall stå mot en vägg.

RT-1 hornet



Här har simuleringsprogrammet HornResp tillverkat en egen schematisk bild av hornet efter inmatade siffror.












Akustiska impedansen






Group Delay



Data för dem som vill testa lite själv

6 svar på “BEFINTLIG- RT-1 hornet

  1. I remember this horn well and the other 2 using 12″ instead of 10″ as here. Thenewer one had less extension aswell i remember. I build them all, This one i built 2 times, first version and MK2 version with angles in the corners. I used old Philips AD1055/W8 and Isophon 245/35. In the newer ones GAMMA LA1232 and Acousto-Pro P-1265. Especially the first version had magic with the Philips driver.. wow what a punch. Built it around -96 i think, The RT-2 and RT-3 was even earlier -91 i think. RT-1 was specced to 25-300Hz ( but i didnt get much under 35 or 40hz. Last RT-1 i built 2008 with modern 18Sound 10W400 but wasn’t that impressed anymore. I see from your simulations it don’t go that deep. What can be improved?


  2. Johan Riikonen:
    I remember this horn well and the other 2 using 12″ instead of 10″ as here. Thenewer one had less extension aswell i remember. I build them all, This one i built 2 times, first version and MK2 version with angles in the corners. I used old Philips AD1055/W8 and Isophon 245/35. In the newer ones GAMMA LA1232 and Acousto-Pro P-1265. Especially the first version had magic with the Philips driver.. wow what a punch. Built it around -96 i think, The RT-2 and RT-3 was even earlier -91 i think. RT-1 was specced to 25-300Hz ( but i didnt get much under 35 or 40hz. Last RT-1 i built 2008 with modern 18Sound 10W400 but wasn’t that impressed anymore. I see from your simulations it don’t go that deep. What can be improved?

    Lovely memories: Philips AD1055/W8, Isophon 245/35, GAMMA LA1232 and Acousto-Pro P-1265 it warms when you see the names.
    These horns create a thump in the stomach! Everyone should get to experience real horn basses at some point, you get a lot of new thoughts after that.
    I think they would have longer starter pipes. At that time, the horn started too late longitudinally to get the size down.


  3. ADMIN:
    Lovely memories: Philips AD1055/W8, Isophon 245/35, GAMMA LA1232 and Acousto-Pro P-1265 it warms when you see the names.
    These horns create a thump in the stomach! Everyone should get to experience real horn basses at some point, you get a lot of new thoughts after that.
    I think they would have longer starter pipes. At that time, the horn started too late longitudinally to get the size down.

    Do you think there is any way of doing that in RT-1 that is my opinion the best one? Also thought would backchamber changed things. Quite easily can get few liters more plus even try variovented/reflex (even if that feels wrong) and new candidate for this RT-1 horan appeared when comparing data and what ive seen and used, The SEAS A26RE4? (small magnet for Dynaco kit) or 2 scan-speak versions; 25W-8565 or the newer 26W/8861…i think they are very clse to that old philips that by far sounded the best. This horn is quite sensitive with drivers. The Philips AD 10100/W8 was just not good…

    Tack för svar, ha de


  4. Johan Riikonen: Do you think there is any way of doing that in RT-1 that is my opinion the best one?Also thought would backchamber changed things. Quite easily can get few liters more plus even try variovented/reflex (even if that feels wrong)and new candidate for this RT-1 horan appeared when comparing data and what ive seen and used, The SEAS A26RE4? (small magnet for Dynaco kit) or 2 scan-speak versions; 25W-8565 or the newer 26W/8861…i think they are very clse to that old philips that by far sounded the best. This horn is quite sensitive with drivers. The Philips AD 10100/W8 was just not good…

    Tack för svar, ha de

    The resonance frequency must not be too low, preferably not below 40-50Hz. Best, I think, are PA elements. The kind that musicians use. They should have resonant frequency of 40-50Hz, BL above 10 and a light moving weight.


  5. Thats what i thought to but hifi drivers with lower fs around 25Hz and soft suspension (rubber) have by far been the best.. with for example 2 different P drivers i get good bass but no depth at all.. like the B&C 10NW76 sounds great but nada under 45 but with that Philips i got response to 35 without issues and same time very fast tight bass etc..


  6. Johan Riikonen:
    Thats what i thought to but hifi drivers with lower fs around 25Hz and soft suspension (rubber) have by far been the best.. with for example 2 different P drivers i get good bass but no depth at all.. like the B&C 10NW76 sounds great but nada under 45 but with that Philips i got response to 35 without issues and same time very fast tight bass etc..

    The RT-1 has a resonant frequency of 60Hz. The driver that will sit in it must not have a resonance frequency lower than 0.5 octave below the RT-1 resonance frequency. That is, it must not have a lower resonance frequency than 45 Hz. Bl must be over 10 and the mobile mass under 25 Grams. If you find a driver with those numbers, the RT-1 will deliver.


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